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Our Easter Egg Hunt Candy Alternative -No Candy Easter Egg Hunt

Everyone at our house loves Easter… I, however, am not fond of the sugared-up nonsense. The screaming and fighting that comes from eating gobs of candy. So Andrew and I decided to do something different.

Why we chose to do an Easter Egg Hunt No Candy Alternative

My kids, (I’m sure your kids too) have NO self-control when it comes to candy. My sons can eat so much that they will literally be sick. So we allow them to have some and hide the rest for lunches. Sometimes they will find the hidden candy and “sneak some”. It’s fun to watch the boys walk by, walking stiff-legged, or holding their mouths funny because they’re hiding the candy from us.

Yes, kid you always walk like that… your mouth always has a lump in the left cheek. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!

I love to watch kids think they’re being sneaky. It amuses me to watch them try and get something past me. I have quite a bit of experience being sneaky… just ask my mother.

So the boys really need to up their game to put one past me. I’m going to regret saying that because now it’s going to backfire on me.

We needed to change things up. I didn’t want to keep going with the ridiculousness, fighting with the kids over their candy intake was exhausting. Now we make memories, we spend time playing with family and the kids are so much happier.

Our family decided to use CONFETTI EGGS and it was the best idea we have ever had. Everyone plays, grandparents, us, aunts uncles, and of course the kids too.

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What you will need

Easter Egg Hunt Candy Alternative -Video

Easter Egg Hunt Candy Alternative -Pictures

This is pretty simple.

Go outside, and hide the Confetti Eggs.

Give your kids a basket to collect the eggs.

And… YELL GO!!!

Once all the Confetti Eggs are collected you are free to divide them up evenly or let one kid have more. Totally up to you.

We, adults, have to fight for our own, so what you get is what you throw. SO simple yet so FUN!

And sometimes it’s just fun to just let the smaller kids crack a Confetti Egg on the bigger kids heads. Sort of like paybacks. 🙂

Have you played with confetti eggs before?

Kathaleen Kopf

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