Elephant Mask Printable | FREE Full Color and Black and White Color Page
Your kids will love these 2 Elephant Masks Printable. Choose from full color or they can color their own. Let your kids wander around pretending to be in the wilds of Africa or maybe in your local zoo.
A Zoo theme can be extended into a whole week of imagination and learning fun. These Kindness Zoo Coloring Pages are a perfect addition and will help your kids learn about their abc’s, acts of kindness and character building.
Another way to add more fun to this zoo themed week of fun is to play this Animal Tag Game. Your kids will love getting to pretend play their favorite animals while playing tag with their friends.
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Elephant Mask Printable
I have an easy win for you today! Get ready for simple…
You’re only going to need a few things and they’re listed below. Grab those things really quick (if your kids are big enough) set them on the table and you can finish dinner while the kids play.
If you have enough time, make your own mask, and have a zoo themed afternoon while creating memories with your kids.
What you need to make a Elephant Zoo Mask
- String
- Crayons, or this Art Box for Kids (very durable)
- Hole Punch
- Scissors
- Printable Elephant Masks (click the image at the bottom of this post).
How to make an Elephant Mask Printable -Pictures
Print your Elephant Masks. If you are printing the full-color version skip down to the next picture.
Black & White Elephant Masks
Grab your art box and color your Printable Elephant Mask. Be as creative or plain as you want.
Cut out your elephant being careful not to cut over the lines. When you have the head cut out go ahead and cut the eyes. Check to see if your child can see properly.
Grab your hole punch and punch each hole. You will notice there are two holes on each side. That’s because I wanted the ears to stick out. So while punching the holes out be sure not to punch them too close together.
Lace your stink through one hole and out the other. I just doubled the string on each side then tied it behind Ryker’s head.
Let your kids play in the yard or in their room while you finish dinner. Before you know it you will have a zoo. LOL!
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