4 Fun Robot Masks for Kids
Are your kids stuck to the tv? Do you want them to have some creative play time? Try my 4 Fun Robot Masks for Kids for an instant fix for your problem. Add in some crayons and string they will be playing “Take me to your leader” in no time.
4 Fun Robot Masks for Kids
My kids love, Love, LOVE masks! The idea that they can be something new, excites them to no end. As soon as their parents drop them off to me in the mornings, they’re scrambling to find their favorite costume to dress up before breakfast. Role play is such a great creative way for kids to learn not only to express themselves but also how to play with others.

If you haven’t already… click here to see the rest of our Robot theme Fun Friday excitement! I hope your kids have as much fun with these masks as my kids. Instructions and printable below.
What you will need
- a printer and paper or card stock (card stock preferred for durability)
- scissors
- yarn, ribbon or string
- crayons, markers, or colored pencils
- 4 Robot Masks located in the member printable library.
How to make your Robot Mask
- Print out all of the 5 Fun Robot Masks for Kids or just the ones that you child chooses. If you want extra durability, please print on card stock.
- Make your mask come to life by using crayons, markers, or pencils. Let your child scribble or color perfection, it’s all about creativity here! Some kids, esp my boys aren’t too into coloring, just the great fun of wearing the mask.
- Cut around your mask with scissors, please use an adult for this if the child is too young.
- Using a hole punch or carefully with scissors cut the hole to tie your string or yarn through. Using 2 strings tie one to each side of your child’s mask then tie the strings together in the back to your child’s head size. Let the fun begin!!
Which of the 4 Fun Robot Masks for kids was your child’s favorite?
*All art is my own so please do not alter or pass off as your own. Thanks!
where can i find the robot mask to print i am member
I send you a direct link in an email just now.
I can’t find these robot masks in the library either, please help.
I sent you the link.
I can’t find the link…
I just emailed you Kim.
Hi! Could I please get a link for the printable robot masks? Thanks!
Hi Claire, I sent you an email.
Hello love your robot activities!! Could I have the robot face link, the robot finger puppets and robot paper sack puppets please! Thank you:)
Hey Katie!
They are all in the free printable library.
hola buenas tardes, donde puedo descargar las mascaras
Las máscaras están en la biblioteca imprimible gratuita. Puedes unirte aquí. https://brilliantlittleideas.com/sign-up/