Robot Theme Fun Friday
Kids are going to love this Robot theme for your Fun Friday theme just print the crafts you choose, gather a few supplies and your off for a great day of creativity and imagination…
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Robot Theme Fun Friday
Almost every kid I know loves robots! They’re pretty great, full of creativity, imagination, and hours of fun. Robots can be nice, mean, tough, fast, smart, and FUN! That’s why my kids chose to have a Robot Theme Fun Friday, and boy were they excited! Fun Friday is full of crafts and activities, along with a sugar filled robot snack.. yep bring on the crazy! Hey, if your child loves robots check out our DIY Optimus Prime Transformer Costume here!
How I decorated for our Robot theme
The backdrop for this Robot Fun Friday is a metal barn, if you don’t have access to a barn, you can just use any wall in your house, or even your front porch. If you are doing your robot theme fun Friday outside make sure to pick a cool day so your kids and the candy won’t melt! I took out a small table for the kids to craft on, attached some balloons and strung some string to hang their art up. I also made a nut and bolt for a backdrop or for the kids to just go crazy with (which they did). Candy was also on the table, as were craft supplies (see below).
Decorating ideas for you
- Backdrop: Sprockets, gears, bolts, nuts, wrench, screwdrivers, these could all be made out of paper (or cardboard if you get super creative). Draw them with pencil and cut them out and place them behind and around your Robot theme fun Friday area. The kids will love it, and the sprockets will bring a little extra depth and fun to your day!
- Hang your art: The kids really enjoyed hanging their art and getting to see all the other cool robots. To do this just use string and mini clothes pins that can be found here or at Hobby Lobby.
- Candy Jars & Supplies: All of the multicolored candy really popped on the table and added a level of whimsy. Of course, the kid’s excitement could have been from the anticipation of sugar… You can use an assortment of candy like marshmallows, licorice, chocolate candy, and any gummy candies you can find. Candy Robots can be made from literally anything!
- Robot puzzle: This was so much fun for the kids! They loved changing the head, body, legs and feet. To make this Robot puzzle you will need 4 boxes of varying sizes, construction, paper and glue. I let my older son Luke help me with this one and he did great! We cut out and glued anything we could think of onto the boxes to give the Robot a wacky look. Make sure to use all 6 sides of the box for unlimited combinations of head, body, legs, and feet choices.
Robot theme activities and printables your kids will love!
Here are the links to our crafts and what you will need.
- 4 Fun Robot Masks for Kids– print on card stock, crayons, scissors, hole punch, & string
- 5 Free Robot Color Pages– crayons & the printed color page
- 4 Robot Finger Puppets– card stock, scissors, & crayons
- Robot paper sack puppet- print out, crayons, glue, scissors, lunch sack
- 2 Robot Emergent Reader Books– printed book, crayons, scissors & stapler
These crafts and printables are sure to keep your kids learning, playing and best of all keep them entertained! Make this Robot theme fun Friday your own! Create new ideas and just play with your kids, you will both enjoy it!

Supplies you will need
- Card stock (for durability) or printer paper
- Crayons, markers, colored pencils
- String, yarn or ribbon for your masks, and to hang your art.
- Scissors
- Stick glue, tape & stapler
- plates for your candy robot
- an assortment of candy
*All art is created by me, so please do not steal, alter, or pass as your own.
Do your kids love robots too?
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