Easy Fluffy Easter Bunny Tail Costume Idea for Kids
Looking for a quick costume idea for kids? This Easy DIY Fluffy Bunny Tail is the perfect answer in a pinch. Most Easter crafts are cute, but you can only use them for a little bit. This pom pom tail is something that your kids will love to play with. Whether you need a cute bunny tail for a Halloween costume or you’re looking for some easter decor for your home this DIY project is perfect.
Children love to pretend play with their friends and Easter is the perfect time to do that. Make cute little bunny tails for each child and give them baskets of easter eggs to hide and hunt. Kids have such great imaginations just a little prompting can turn into a full day of dramatic play for kids. If you want to make a set of ears to go with this cute costume idea then be sure to make these Easy Bunny Ears.
Do you need the kids to use some extra energy? Have the kids hop all over the house as they pick up or move from room to room. Have hopping races to see who is the fastest rabbit or the slowest. No matter how you use this bunny tail it’s sure to be fun.
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How to Make a Fluffy Bunny Tail
I’ve had this giant pom pom for a while… waiting impatiently for the day that I could use it. This fluffy bunny tail would be a great gift to put in one of these Easter Basket Ideas for Kids. Cotton balls are soft but they won’t last as long as this giant pom pom I picked up from my local Micheals store. Micheals has since discontinued the sale of this perfectly full pom pom so I am now purchasing one similar on Amazon.
This versatile bunny tail can not only be clipped onto your child but tied around the waist of your adorable bunny kid. Depending on the age of your child use caution before tying something around a child. I used the alligator clip to attach the bunny tail to the back of my little one’s pants. They hopped and bounced like bunnies all over the backyard. There are a lot of options when it comes to making a DIY bunny tail. Some glue cotton balls while other people love to make a tail out of yarn. No matter what you choose it’s a great activity to keep kids busy either with helping to create your bunny tail or in play after it’s completed.
If you want a full outfit you can also make some foot paws out of white felt with little pink oval pieces for the feet. You kids can help cut and glue for some extra fine motor skills practice. Use a little piece of yarn, a length of tulle, or elastic to attach to each foot and hand of your child.
What you will need to make a Bunny Tail
Here are all of the craft supplies that I used to make this DIY Bunny Tail.
- Giant Pom Pom Micheals had them but no longer in stock)
- White Felt
- Ribbon of your choice
- Alligator Clip
- Super Glue
- Hot Glue
- Scissors
The first thing you need to do is to get your faux fur bunny tail and gently press one side of the fluffy ball down. This is where we are going to add the glue in just a bit. If needed add a book to the top to keep the pom pom hair down until it’s glue time. I have in the past made a bunny tail from fur circles for each child and then glued it onto a piece of felt. There are multiple ways to make a cute fluffy bunny tail but this one, with a giant pom pom ball is by far the easiest and best way to get the perfect final costume piece.
Next, get your white felt and alligator clip. You need to cut two pieces of white felt to fit the back of your giant pom pom. If you want a little tail, no problem, just buy a smaller pom pom to use or use some extra cotton balls you have around the house all glued together. I cut out 2 small rectangles that were large enough to cover the metal clip. I needed the base of the clip to be covered so it wouldn’t slip out while wearing the bunny tail.
Now that you have both pieces of felt cut out you will need to cut a small slit in one piece of felt so that the alligator clip can slide through like the picture below. The cut should be a little in from the edge of the felt so that the second piece can be glued to the base of the clip and the alligator clip itself won’t get caught on something and tear off of the bunny tail. This clip should be secure and ready for use many times over. All edges and anything that could possibly hurt your child should be fixed.
A second option if you choose not to use the alligator clip is to just use ribbon in place of the clip. Instead of gluing the clip you will sandwich the ribbon in between the 2 pieces of felt and hot glue or super glue it into place. Each way works perfectly, you just need to decide what is right for your family.
Be sure the glue is set before moving on to the next step. This part is crucial so make sure the alligator clip is glued the best it can be so the clip doesn’t just fall off. I even added a little glue to the bottom part of the alligator clip to be sure that the clip sticks to the felt. Not just so the bottom felt piece keeps the clip in place. Extra glue is just fine, make sure to use caution if using a hot glue gun this is definitely the messiest part of the process. Make sure you are gluing the right sides together. There is nothing more irritating than to glue the wrong sides together and find out after the glue is set.
This cute bunny tail was a costume for one of my twin daughters. She was so cute with a giant tail on her bottom and little bunny ears. She was almost 3 months old so I just sat it on her as she slept. It made the perfect easter bunny halloween costume for her complete with bunny paws.
If you are making a halloween costume for a baby, you can use a wrapped tulle styrofoam ball with loops of tulle to make it look fluffy it’s just as easy and can be used to make something else later. The fluffy bunny tail we are making today will last for years to come as long as you keep it clean. This is a wonderful way to add to your child’s pretend play dress up collection.
When you have to two pieces secured around the alligator clip its time to attach the whole piece to your fluffy pom pom ball. Push the pom pom fur down as much as you can to get a secured attachment to the pom pom. you don’t want the tail to fall off later on. The glue should set pretty fast if you’re using hot glue or even super glue. If you choose to use E6000 I would wait a full 24 hours before testing the connection between the alligator clip piece and the fluffy bunny tail. Happy crafting!

How to Attach a Bunny Tail
To attach the bunny tail you can either use the alligator clip that we have glued to the back of the pom pom of use can use a ribbon, tule, or string. Get a long string of yarn, maybe 2-3 feet depending on the size of your child.
The Easy DIY Fluffy Bunny Tail can be clipped in the middle of the string or piece of ribbon. That will keep the bunny tail secure in place instead of clipping the pom pom bunny tail to your child’s pants. If you can’t clip the bunny tail to anything then the ribbon or sting is a better choice. The best part of this bunny tail is that it’s very versatile and can be used for several of your favorite holidays or anytime you want your kids to burn some energy by hopping like a bunny all over the house.

Fun Bunny Snacks for Kids

How to make a DIY Bunny Tail -Video
Best Bunny Crafts for Kids
These bunny crafts are fun for kids to make and will keep them busy creating their perfect masterpiece while you spend quality time making memories with them.

How to Make a Bunny Tail
Easy to make costume piece that is great for kids.
- Giant Pom Pom
- White Felt
- Ribbon of your choice
- Alligator Clip
- Super Glue
- Hot Glue
- Scissors
- Cut two rectangles a little smaller than the giant pom pom ball you're using. On one side of the felt cut a small slit in one end to slide the open alligator clip into.
- Glue (super or hot glue) the alligator bottom of the alligator clip to the piece of felt leaving the top of the clip free to open and close. Then glue the second piece to the first piece covering the base of the clip completely.
- Next, push the pom pom fur down to attach the alligator clip felt piece. Hot glue (or super glue) the clip onto the pom pom ball. Let the glue set before moving on to the next step.
- Cut a piece of ribbon long enough to tie around in your child's waist. You can clip the pom pom bunny tail onto the middle of the ribbon or clip the tail right onto the back of your pants.
- Enjoy this fun pretend play costume!

Dehydrated Peeps
Dried peeps can be enjoyed all year long with this easy recipe.

Easy Bunny Bait Snack
Easy to make and delicious to eat. Kids can help make this recipe.

Easter Basket Ideas
Simple Easter ideas that your kids will love!