Easy Easter Paper Wreaths for Kids
This Paper Wreath is so easy and fun to make. They’re great as gifts or as a cute bedroom door decoration.
Easy Easter Paper Wreath for Kids
So the boys made these with me and had so much fun. I tried to take a picture with them and their creations but all I got was ridiculous faces that only a Mother should love. I say should love because.. my gosh, who knew they could distort their faces in so many ways. Boys! (Insert Giant Eyeroll Here)
When my oldest son decided to make a wreath he was trying to get out of cleaning his room. 4 1/2 wreaths later and he was loving it. My youngest son, loves all thing coloring and gluing so he didn’t need an excuse to make a craft.
Easter has lots of candy but this craft is sugar free..
Ok, I’m tired!
Sugar free.. Geez!
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What you will need
- Scissors
- Oval Punch (linked)
- Paint of your choice ( here is a good set)
- Ribbon of your choice
- Scrapbook paper (I used this)
- Brown Cardstock
Easy Easter Paper Wreath for Kids -Video
Easy Easter Paper Wreath for Kids -Pictures
Start by making a wreath by either tracing something or you can do what I did by creating your own circle.
To create your own circle you can tie a ribbon or string around a pencil leaving the other end loose.
Find the center of your paper and hold the string with one hand while pulling tight and tracing a circle around while constantly holding the string. The further out you let the string the larger the circle.
Once you have the circles both traced you can cut them out.
I used this scrapbook paper to make my wreath. Seriously isn’t the paper is so pretty! The eggs were all punched out using this oval punch.
Organize your wreath the way you want then you’re ready to glue!
If your kids are making their own wreath then let them use Elmers Stick Glue. If you are making it though, I’ll let you use super glue. 🙂
Choose which items you want on top of your wreath. I got the wooden shapes from Hobby Lobby if you can’t find it there check JoAnn’s.
You can also use buttons or Easter shaped foam pieces.
Whatever you choose, glue them on with either super glue or E6000.
I chose a thin ribbon and just doubled it several times and tied a loose knot at the top. You can do the same or use a thicker ribbon.
It’s done! My kids loved their wreaths so much, I hope yours do too.
Have you made a wreath out of scrapbook paper before?
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